Cataloguing Books.

December 15th, 2010 Posted in BOOKS FROM MY BOOKSHELVES, Books, The Other Side Of Me

I’m having a thoroughly enjoyable time. I’ve recently got some software that enables me to catalogue my books. It’s great. What pleasure handling them again. The software can generate so much information about each book and revive my experiences with them. What memories are recalled – where and when I bought the book; how much I enjoyed it; was I at odds with the author; did it lead me to other books and so on. The books on my shelves are living again and giving me more pleasure, not merely languishing,  waiting a loving hand to take them from the shelf. 

  1. 4 Responses to “Cataloguing Books.”

  2. By Keith Chapman on Dec 16, 2010

    Bill, You’re so organized and up with the play on the latest aids available! I’m envious of your continued zest. Most of my “library” languishes in cardboard boxes and has for years. It’s difficult to find appropriate shelf space for books in the house’s living areas. The lounge, for example, has huge sliding glass doors to a patio on one side and a balcony on another. The third wall also has a large window and the fourth is a stairwell to the entrance hall. Given all the glass and the amount of sun, the condition of any books on permanent display would quickly suffer. Indoor/outdoor living has its disadvantages!

  3. By Judith Gilbert on Dec 19, 2010

    Wow Keith, as an artist I envy you your light. My weavers’ cottage is small and dark so some days I have to move around just to catch the best light but then again, like Bill it is good for books. I am running out of room now but as i have to decorate again soon I will be looking for ways to add more bookshelf space. Although dark it is very cosy with a coal fire and surrounded by my books. I envy you Bill being so organised I only seem to be organised when chaos surrounds me; if something is not where it should be I will remember where it is!!! I am organised in some things however and I cannot bear any crossings out on the written page. Your new aquisition sounds tremendous fun.

  4. By Bill on Dec 22, 2010

    I’m not really well organised – bits of paper with notes on litter my desk, then it’s a scramble to find the one I want. I have thousands of slides from the ‘old’ days that are only organised up to a point; I’d like them to be truly organised. Now I’m starting on my books. Should finish one before I start the other but that won’t happen.
    I appreciate your point about lack of wall space for book-shelves. When I moved to this house there wasn’t enough space for all my books so I had the garage shelved to take them – the poor car has to stand outside. I’ll start cataloguing the books in the garage when I finish those in the house, if I ever get that far. But it is fun doing them. Come January I’ll have to start on my new novel – just an idea in my head at the moment.
    Nice hearing from you. Hope 2011 is a good year for you

  5. By Bill on Dec 22, 2010

    Are any creative people of any sort really fully organised? I’m only half organised. It annoys me if I want something that I know I have somewhere but can’t find it – it’s the waste of time looking for it that gets to me. I resolve to get fully organised but it never happens. I think if it did I would lose the thrill of discovery when I found that which had started me on the hunt.

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