Update – Latest book finished!

January 29th, 2011 Posted in DIARY, My Writing Life, Work in Hand

My latest Jessica Blair is in the hands of the publisher ahead of schedule. My contart required it to be with them by February, so I have maintained my, ‘never missing a required date.’ I breathed a sigh of relief but now I hold my breath hoping the finished work is OK.

There is always a sadness finishing a book. You have got to know characters so well that saying goodbye to them and leaving them to the fates you have helped them map out    can leave a chasm. The answer, I suppose is write a sequel. I could have done with most of my books but have done so on only three occasions. I have always been tempted to meet new people, create new characters and live their lives with them. That is what I am doing now. I have the idea for the next book in mind and am beginning to work story-line and characters together. It’s fun. Then when I get the broad outline I’ll submit it for approval to my publisher before getting down to the full story.

As one of my breaks from my writing (you’ve got to have them otherwise your writing would go stale) I am having fun cataloguing my book collection. On my December 15th blog I wrote about the software I had bought to do this. To anyone interested I can recommend this software. You will need time to do it but I have found it worthwhile, and you don’t get anywhere if you don’t make time for the things you want to do.

Happy writing, happy reading, happy cataloguing. or whatever.

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