Having been “off-blog” since the 9th of May, Jessica Blair is back! Reasons for the break – a mini-holiday followed by a sickness bout but now all is well. However time does not stand still for a writer.
I had my copy-edited script of A TAPESTRY OF DREAMS to check. I managed it in spite of my set-back. The script is back with Piatkus, my publisher, and going through the procedures towards publishing early next year.
I had also been working on my next idea. I had completed an outline and sample three chapters and had sent them to Piatkus when I was ‘laid-low’. I was revived by the news that they were liked and would be presented at an editorial meeting next week. So I await that decision.
A writer’s life is never dull. It is always filled with interest, hope and expectation. A writer needs to be focused and be determined to make those come to fruition.